Live Pain-Free
Lower Blood Pressure
Lower Cholesterol
Say Goodbye to Pain and inflammation
reduce sugar
The standard American diet is high in sugars. We've taken the guesswork out of planning your meals with our easy-to-follow dietary program and all-natural supplements.
Lose Weight
Excess body fat leads to inflammation in our bodies. Chronic inflammation leads to deadly diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
Improve body functions
Too much sugar in your diet can lead to insulin resistance in your body. Our diet eliminates the unneeded sugar intake helping almost every aspect of your daily life.
Reduce Medications
Too many Americans are dependent on medications. Our goal is to get your body healthy again so you don't have to rely on medications. Let's be proactive in your health and fix the problems at their source!
What is inflammation in the body?
There are two types of inflammation in our bodies: acute and chronic.
Acute inflammation is one you are probably familiar with. It is your body’s natural immune response to pain and infection. White blood cells work to surround and protect scrapes and bruises which helps your body heal. Your body also reacts to viral infections in the same way. Without this natural response, injuries could fester and simple infections could grow worse.
Chronic inflammation is a response to unwanted substances in our body, such as excess fat cells. Chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Inside your arteries, inflammation helps start off the buildup of fatty, cholesterol-rich plaque. Plaque in your body is perceived as foreign and abnormal, so your body reacts by walling it off the surrounding flow of blood. But if that wall breaks down, the plaque may rupture. The contents then mingle with blood, forming a clot that blocks blood flow. These clots are responsible for the majority of heart attacks and most strokes.
Choose your path to a better you!
Starter Kit
- One month supply of supplements
- Exclusive Diet Program
- Lose 15 to 20 lbs.
- Feel great everyday
- Do it yourself right from home
Full Program
- One month supply of supplements
- Exclusive Diet Program
- Lose more than 20 lbs.
- Free initial weight loss consult
- 3 weekly follow up consults
- Lose weight and KEEP IT OFF
Just Greens
- All natural
- Boost of energy
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower cholesterol
- Full-body nutrition
- One month supply
The Standard American Diet Is Killing You!
In a National Cancer Institute report on the status of the American diet, they found:
- 75% of Americans don’t eat a single piece of fruit in a given day.
- 90% of Americans don’t reach the minimum servings for vegetables in a day.
“In conclusion, nearly the entire U.S. population consumes a diet that is not on par with recommendations. These findings add another piece to the rather disturbing picture that is emerging on a nation’s diet in crisis.”
There are ultimately four simple healthy lifestyle habits that have the strongest impact on chronic disease prevention:
- Not smoking
- Not being obese
- Getting one half-hour of exercise daily
- Eating healthy
Our Natural Fit Program will help you focus on at least two of those critical ways to prevent chronic disease. When you sign up for the Natural Fit Program you will be well on your way to eating correctly and getting all the healthy nutrients your body needs to function properly. Because of this, our patients have seen drastic results in weight loss and reducing their blood pressure, insulin, and cholesterol medications.
Our clients say
Not quite ready to change your life?
Find out more about Natural Fit and how we’ve helped countless people regain their life! Just click the button below to go to our main webpage.